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Yoga AT THE Kranzbichlhof


Yoga is proven to have tangible positive effects on the body, mind and soul – the three essential aspects of human existence. Here at the Kranzbichlhof, we offer you the wonderful opportunity to practice yoga - in the relaxed atmosphere of our yoga room in the midst of nature, with skilled yoga teachers from various traditions.

Yoga & Meditation AGAINST Stress

Yoga, with its ancient roots, is now fully established in Europe and regularly practiced by millions of people.

Through the combination of various poses (Asanas) and the conscious control of breathing and concentration, the restive spirit is able to relax.

Battle stress through yoga & meditation
Awareness through yoga


There are different yoga styles and, depending on the tradition, the poses are held for longer or shorter periods of time, the exercises are slower or more dynamic, integrating more or less meditation.

Regular yoga exercises strengthen the musculature to the very deepest layers, reduce pain, alleviate stress and support the body's own detoxification processes.

With Asanas (poses), Pranayama (conscious breathing exercises), Mantras (words/syllables to focus and elevate the spirit), Mudras ("finger yoga") and meditation, yoga hands us good tools to better deal with our daily challenges and go through life with greater composure and joy.

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